Backup Disaster Recovery
With a proper backup and disaster recovery solution, the chances of business data being lost due to accidental damage, theft or cyber ransomware attacks is reduced.
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With a reliable backup solution and comprehensive disaster recovery strategy your business data is fully protected from common problems
Using onsite and offsite backups with daily email notification confirming the backup has been completed, or advising if action needs to be taken, Absolutely PC gives you the knowledge and peace of mind that your data is stored securely and can be retrieved when needed.
In the event a laptop, PC or server is stolen, sold, or scrapped, data on the hard drives can be erased remotely and securely using military grade encryption, even if the hardware or device is no longer in your possession. This adds an extra layer of security to your contacts, passwords, credit card details and other confidential files and assists with your GDPR compliance.
With a reliable backup solution and comprehensive disaster recovery strategy your business data is fully protected from common problems. Absolutely PC ensures your business data is backed up and protected with encryption keys, yet easily accessible should you need to replace an entire network of PCs, laptops, tablets and servers, or simply recover a single file or folder for an individual user.
Key Features of Backup & Disaster Recovery Services
Discussion to identify your backup strategy requirements.
Deployment of backup software on servers, PCs and laptops.
Scheduled security and patch updates to stay ahead of cyber security threats.
Daily backup of individual files and shared folders.
Daily email confirming the backup status.
Easy file recovery process and secure destruction of redundant data.
Backup Disaster & Recovery FAQs
What is Disaster Planning?
Put simply, disaster planning is the act of planning on what to do in hte case of a disaster in your business. It sounds complex but in reality most business owners can complete this process within a few short hours and the resulting document will, if needed will:
- Save potentially days of downtime.
- Reduce the stress associated with a disaster (disasters are stressful enough, why add to it by not preparing).
- Ensure information is avaialble to maximise your insurance claim (often insurance companies require evidence in hte form of receipts or paperwork which be destroyed in a disaster).
- Allow time to find trustworthy partners to assist you (there are too many rogue companies ready to make a quick money and do substandard work).
- Get your team involved with everyone knowing what needs to happen, what they are authorised to agree and when it will be required.
- Potentially thousands of pounds can be saved by recording some basic details and ensuring they are kept up to date.
I have written an article that looks at some of the disaster planning considerations and the sort of information which might be useful in a disaster.
What data should I back up?
Data is being generated everywhere within your business. Emails, Teams messages, invoicing software, business critical software (databases, CRMs etc), servers, staff PCs and laptops.
A simple question to ask yourself is: “what data loss would cause me problems in my business?” For some businesses that answer is a simple one – it is a shared folder. For other businesses their data is dispersed over numerous devices and accounts and the loss of any part of it could cause pain and potential legal implications.
When considering what data needs to be backed up it is worth spending some time and thinking through each area as discussed in the data article as this will highlight the areas you need to focus on.
Should backups be stored onsite or offsite?
This is a simple question but one that has a rather complex answer. It depends on your answers to questions such as:
- What sort of data are you backing up?
- What type of device needs backing up? (servers may need to be treated differently to laptops for example)
- How quickly do you need to recover your information? (Seconds, hours, days)
- What sort of disaster you are protecting your business from? (Fire and flood might be treated differently to cyber attack)
- Do you have an Internet connection capable of transmitting your daily information to a cloud backup?
As you can see there are numerous considerations when considering the type of backup you need for your business. I have written a more in-depth article discussing the types of backup and which would be right for your business.
What is a hybrid backup?
A hybrid backup uses a combination of onsite and offsite storage in order to give a great degree of protection and recovery options. The gold standard in backup and data recovery starts with ensuring you have 3 copies of your data:
- The live data.
- A backup of your live data stored locally.
- A third copy of your data stored in the cloud.
Although this doesn’t work for every business it does allow the greatest chance to recover and also allows the fastest recovery times.
In the article about protecting your data there is more information about how this is achieved in practice and the costs associated with this form of backup.
I have accidentally deleted a file – can you help?
It is easy to panic when you mistakenly delete or cannot find a file that you have been working on, fortunately, our easy file recovery process means that most of the time these documents can be easily recovered.
How often should I backup my data?
The answer depends on how much data you produce as a business and how important it is to retain everything.
For many businesses backups are carried out overnight which utilises the Internet connection when it is not being used by your staff. However, this method leaves your business with the potential to loose the entire day’s work if the failure occurs before the backup can occur.
An alternative is to backup multiple times per day and this can be done every time a file is changed. This ensures all of your data is always secure but often requires either a dedicated Internet connection or a fast connection with spare bandwidth reserved for the backup process.
How much does remote data backup cost?
As with all cost based questions the answer depends on what you need to backup, how large it is, how long you want to keep it and many other factors.
However, the article on protecting your data tries to breakdown some of these costs to give you a range of prices that are realistic.
IT Backup & Disaster Recovery Serviced for Your Business
Do you worry about losing information from your business? Are you looking to improve data protection and security with a robust backup and disaster strategy? Call us on 0117 975 9523 or fill out the form below and one of our team will get back to you.
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What People Are Saying
Harry at Absolute PC once again has been very helpful and got me out of bother again very quickly as do the rest of the team when I call them
All the engineers at Absolutely PC give us great support in keeping everything running smoothly!
Always a quick and friendly response and assistance in solving any issues, and go above and beyond to provide a great service, thank you
Everyone at Absolute Pc always was provides a great service and no problem is ever stupid, and gets resolved quickly. Thanks
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