Are you confident that your WordPress website is secure?

Yesterday, on the 9th of December 2021, 1.6 Million WordPress Sites were Hit With 13.7 Million Attacks In 36 Hours From 16,000 IPs. It’s safe to say this is a major concern to businesses everywhere. WordPress security is key to ensuring your website continues to deliver content for your customers and leads and business continues to operate.


How this can affect your business?

For most companies, websites are the main source of information about your business, therefore your WordPress being hacked means your site isn’t available for your customers and prospects, which could have a huge impact on your business and revenue. It can then lead to loss of reputation and loss of custom.

If user details are stored on the site, they may become compromised too. Loss of personally identifiable information or if your site is used to redirect and trick customers into paying  fraudulent accounts, may cause legal issues as well.


So what can you do?

Wordfence Premium users are protected against any exploit attempts targeting all of these vulnerabilities. Wordfence free users are protected against attacks but there is a one month delay in the updates which means this latest attack will not be protected until January 6 2021.

As a minimum we would recommend that you download and install Wordfence within WordPress. Once it has run ensure you apply the fixes to better protect your website.

Website hosting also has a significant role to play in keeping your website secure.  When choosing a hosting provider ask some questions about how they approach security.  Many hosting providers just buy space which means they have no control over the physical server let alone the firewalls that protect that server from the Internet.  Absolutely PC uses dedicated servers in secure data centres and employs the latest security techniques to ensure the infrastructure is as safe as possible.  More information about secure hosting can be found on our hosting page 


Let us help you

If security of your website is of concern then book a free 15 minute consultation so we can make sure your website and WordPress is secure. On the Wordfence website you can see more details about this attack here

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